When you join our high-performing diverse team, you will be part of a culture which values innovation and your individual contribution.
Externally, Danfoss has been recognized by global media outlets for our efforts in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace:
Forbes named Danfoss among the “World’s Best Employers” in both 2021 and 2022, acknowledging our efforts to create a great workplace.
Forbes listed Danfoss among “The World’s Top Female-Friendly Companies in both 2021 and 2022.” The survey recognizes companies that lead the way when it comes to supporting women inside and outside the workforce.
The Financial Times ranked Danfoss on the “FT – Diversity Leaders 2022” list. Results reflect the fields of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+, and general diversity.
We are Danfoss Drives
Since introducing the world to AC drives back in 1968, we’ve continued to lead the charge when it comes to bringing variable speed control to electric motors. Drawing on decades of passion and experience within a wide range of industries so we can deliver drives that work with any motor or system.
From our first low-voltage drive to our most recent product launch, we’ve remained at the forefront of technological breakthroughs thanks to a healthy investment in people and R&D. Now, today, we’re proud to boast a portfolio that also includes servo drives, harmonics drives and medium-voltage drives – with an aim to deliver the kind of technology and digital solutions that will enable our customers to excel in an ever-changing world.
In 2025, we estimate that more than 5 billion people (over 50% of the estimated world population) will benefit directly or indirectly from the benefits provided by Danfoss Drives in their everyday lives.
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