As a Full-Stack Developer you are responsible for developing and designing the front-end web architecture, ensuring the responsiveness of applications, and among other duties, you will work alongside graphic designers for web design features. In this role you will oversee a project from the draft to the final product, having good organizational skills and attention to detail.
Your tasks
Development of the front-end website architecture
Design of user interactions on web pages
Development of back-end website applications
Creation of servers and databases for functionality
Design and development of APIs
Ensurement of cross-platform optimization for mobile phones
Ensurement of applications responsiveness
Collaboration with graphic designers for web design features
Overseeing a project from the draft to the final product
Meeting both technical and consumer needs
Observation of developments in web applications and programming languages
Your profile
Degree in computer science
Proficiency with fundamental front-end languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Experience with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS
Proficiency with server-side languages such as C/C++ and Python
Experience with database technology such as MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB
Excellent communication skills
Good problem-solving skills
Attention to detail
MiCROTEC is the global technology and market leader in intelligent wood property recognition for optimizing the use in the wood processing industry and has been setting the standards in this market since 1980. There is no process that is not streamlined, optimized, and accelerated by MiCROTEC technologies and systems. Always committed to providing the customer with the most economically & ecologically sustainable wood utilization.
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