- sai valutare vantaggi e rischi delle diverse soluzioni e piattaforme;
- conosci il piano di sviluppo tecnologico di Microsoft;
- sei informato/a sugli ultimi trend relativi a business, digitalizzazione e trasformazione digitale;
- ti piace mettere mano e verificare la fattibilità delle nuove soluzioni Microsoft (e ami parlarne);
- informi i clienti sulle novità più interessanti e sui relativi vantaggi;
- nell'implementazione delle nuove soluzioni Microsoft, tieni conto dei processi del cliente e presti particolare attenzione al coinvolgimento delle persone;
- gestisci la relazione con Microsoft.
We entrust this to you:
- Performance measurement: Collaboration in the collection, monitoring and analysis of the key performance indicators (KPIs) of the NOI Techpark
- Data management and KPI collection: Recording, collecting and maintaining relevant KPIs of the research facilities, companies, institutions and start-ups, as well as updating the KPI database.
- Data analysis and visualisation: analysis and visualisation of data using digital tools (Power BI, CRM systems, Microsoft Power App)
- Process automation: Automation of data processes and development of workflows.
- Reports: Creation and presentation of reports for various stakeholders with a particular focus on data quality.
- pregressa esperienza nella mansione (2/3 anni)
- patente del muletto
- preferibile, ma non indispensabile, patente C e CE
- preferibile conoscenza sia dell'italiano che del tedesco
Gärtnerei Kircher
Le tue mansioni:
- Cura e manutenzione professionale delle piante
- Lavoro autonomo
- Assistenza clienti nelle varie sedi
Das vertrauen wir dir an:
- Performance Measurement: Mitarbeit bei der Erhebung, Überwachung und Analyse der Leistungskennzahlen (KPIs) des NOI Techparks.
- Datenmanagement und KPI-Sammlung: Erfassung, Sammlung und Pflege relevanter KPIs der Forschungseinrichtungen, Unternehmen, Institutionen und Start-ups, sowie Aktualisierung der KPI-Datenbank.
- Datenanalyse und Visualisierung: Analyse und Visualisierung der Daten mit digitalen Tools (Power BI, CRM-Systemen, Microsoft Power App).
- Prozessautomatisierung: Automatisierung der Datenprozesse und Entwicklung von Workflows.
- Reports: Erstellung und Präsentation von Berichten für verschiedene Stakeholder mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Datenqualität.
- Monitor and report on the progress of important activities, projects, and initiatives
- Organize and manage projects independently according to our fast-paced business environment
- Support process mapping and performance measurement, aligning on metrics and working with service teams
- Assist in the rollout of new service processes, including communication, training, and documentation
- Take ownership of organizing meetings and ensuring the progress of action
- Build strong relationships with stakeholders and partners to drive results and maintain communication
- Identify and solve opportunities for improvement within the organization
- Promote and coordinate value engineering initiatives within the R&D department
- Sponsor and drive development for value improvement, cost and complexity reduction
- Organize and lead technical cross-functional workshops, aimed at enhancing value and reducing costs
- Fertilize a culture of continuous improvement and value engineering inside the R&D and across departments
- Define & implement methodologies to understand strengths & weaknesses of different players
- Establish and improve tools for teardown analysis and idea generation
- Creating and editing presentations in German, Italian, and English
- Supporting the department head in operatinal tasks, preparing meetings and managing correspondence
- Contribuiting to strategic projects
- Welcoming visitors and taking minutes during meetings
- Maintaining and improving the management system
- Elaborating technical documentation around our hypercharger product line
- Updating the installation and operating manuals, service manuals and other technical documents
- Creating and optimising training materials
- Taking care of the customer newsletter
- Terminology & translation management, with the help of external translation service providers
- Collaboration with internal departments
I tuoi compiti
- Costruire e mantenere solide partnership con i fornitori
- Gestire in autonomia gli ordini
- Analizzare le tendenze di mercato: ricerca di prodotti e servizi
- Tenere sotto controllo la gestione delle scorte
Tasks and responsibilities
- Support Purchasing Department with Salesman Samples Planning and delivery follow-up
- Responsible for the whole process for SMS planning: sending a forecast to the garment maker to ensure the needed capacity is reserved, booking fabrics and making sure agreed leadtimes are met, delivering SMS on time
- After the official order is issued, follow up with fabric suppliers and garment makers for deliveries
- Negotiate with vendors, and provide a delivery overview to purchasing, to evaluate and find solution if deliveries are late
- Codifying product master data and updating data
- Ti occuperai della registrazione e gestione delle transazioni finanziarie correnti.
- Ci supporterai nell’intera contabilità.
- Assumerai alcune mansioni nell’ambito del controllo di gestione (Controlling).
- Ci supporterai nel ciclo passivo e nell'ottimizzazione dei processi interni.
What is a tender?
- Completing RFIs (Request for Information): These aim to filter potential providers invited to participate in the tender based on their qualities and capabilities (this phase determines our qualification for the tender).
- Analyzing tender documents: service requirements, KPIs, shipment databases, quoting files.
- Preparing the offer/calculating rates:
- Collaborating with the team for formulating offers
- Determining rates using available tools.
- Submitting the offer to the client: sending the economic proposal and required documentation (cover letter; tailored presentations).
- Receiving/sharing feedback: responding to clarifications, sharing feedback with departments, negotiating.
- Business allocation (AWARD): supporting operational implementation, assisting in contract negotiations.
Deine möglichen Einsatzbereiche:
- Produktion und Fertigung:
Du bist Teil der Fertigungsstraße von Holzkonstruktionen wie Wand-, Decken- und Dachelemente, du übernimmst Dämm- und Beplankungsarbeiten, erstellst elegante Holzfassaden und bereitest die Bauteile für den Transport vor. - Logistik: Du verpackst und verladest die Bauteile sicher, sorgst für eine präzise Kommissionierung und bereitest die Materialien für den Transport vor.
- Lager und Warenmanagement:
Du übernimmst die Annahme und Qualitätskontrolle von Waren, organisierst die Lagerung und behaltest stets Ordnung und Struktur im Blick. Zudem unterstützt du die Produktion bei Anlieferung der notwendigen Materialien.
Ihr Profil:
- Sie arbeiten gern in einem multidisziplinären Team;
- Sie sind motiviert, innovativ und offen für Veränderungen;
- Sie schätzen ein dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld;
- Sie möchten sich gerne weiterbilden.
- esperienza in ruolo simile o analogo
- diploma di scuola superiore di secondo grado
- ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese
- pregressa esperienza nella mansione (meccanico d'auto o preferibilmente di camion/motrici)
- preferibile, ma non indispensabile, patente C e CE
- qualifica di meccanico
- buon uso del computer, Outlook e Pacchetto Office
- preferibile conoscenza tedesco
Tasks & responsibilities
- IT Infrastructure Management: Maintain IT infrastructure, including operating systems in a Microsoft & Linux environment, with excellent knowledge and demonstrable experience (Windows), knowledge for Linux
- Virtualization: Configuration and management of ESX virtualization systems
- Server Administration: Perform server administration tasks and research event-log warnings and errors
- Technical Support: Assist the Service Desk with troubleshooting to identify root cause, and provide technical support when needed
- Audits & Backups: Perform routine and scheduled audits of all systems, including backup
- Documentation: Draft and update documentation related to procedures and activities performed.
- Professional Development: Stay up-to-date with emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices in system administration
- Networking: Configure and manage networks using Aruba Networking technologies.
- Cloud Services and Collaboration: Manage cloud services with Microsoft Azure, administer Teams Phone and SharePoint.
- IT Projects: Participate in and lead IT projects to improve infrastructure efficiency and security
Zu deinen Aufgaben gehören:
- Abholung der Ware in unserem Lager in Bozen
- Transport von Paletten von unserem Lager in Bozen zu Gastrofresh/Magazzini Generali und umgekehrt
- Durchführung von Verladekontrollen
- Warentransport in der Region
- Bedienung von Gabelstaplern
Zu Deinen Aufgaben gehören:
- Begleitung bei Einführung und Erweiterung neuer Anlagen
- Hilfestellung für Produktionsmitarbeiter bei Problemerkennung und Optimierung der Produktionssysteme
Das sind deine Aufgaben
- CRM-Datenpflege und -Bereinigung mit dem Ziel, auf Grundlage von Datenanalysen dauerhafte und starke Kundenbeziehungen aufzubauen
- Segmentierung des Kundenstamms, um die Kommunikation mit spezifischeren Zielgruppen zu verbessern
- Unterstützung bei Events: Mitarbeit bei der Organisation, Durchführung und Abrechnung von Veranstaltungen
- Unterstützung bei der Abrechnung und Verwaltung von EU-Projekten
Primäre Aufgaben
- Durchführung der operativen Servicedienstleistungen
- Bearbeitung von Kundenanfragen
- Bedarfserkennung und Weiterleitung an erfahrene Berater
- Wartung/Betreuung der Geräte in der „Selfarea“
- Verschiedene interne Verwaltungstätigkeiten
Vieni da noi!
Ti piace guidare? Ti piace viaggiare in Alto Adige?
We entrust this to you:
- Classic marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing
- Search engine marketing including SEO and controlling
- Customer, competition and market analysis
- Product planning, product presentation, market launch
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
I tuoi compiti
- Montaggio e installazione di moduli container per progetti di vario tipo
- Esecuzione di riparazioni e manutenzioni su unità container
- Preparazione dei preventivi ed elaborazione degli ordini
- Assistenza ai clienti in ambito vendite
- Inserimento degli ordini in accordo con la pianificazione della produzione
- Mantenere e sviluppare le relazioni con i clienti
- Monitoraggio e implementazione di misure per il rispetto dei termini di consegna
- Stretta collaborazione con i Key Account Managers
- Construct and simulate financial models and provide analysis, budget, ROI calculation etc. to support business plans/cases
- Design a global reporting architecture regarding countries, customer cost centres and contracts
- Define and implement standard work processes for budgeting and reporting to drive efficiency with a constant focus on finance process improvements and simplifications
- Construct and simulate financial models and provide analysis, budget, ROI calculation etc. to support decision making process
- Constant monitoring of KPIs and provision of insights of the cost structure, and performance regarding SLAs.
- Support overall business growth and advise the management regarding business key drivers, with special projects, ad hoc reporting etc.
- Perform detailed analysis of financial results against forecasts and prior periods, raising early warning signals highlighting business risks based on trend and leading indicators
- Monitor actual costs against the pre-determined budget and implement restrictive measures if necessary
- Take all appropriate actions to ensure 100% compliance with various GAAP and company financial policies