- Supportare il mantenimento e l’implementazione della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e della protezione ambientale
- Creare e monitorare le misure per la prevenzione e la riduzione di pericoli e rischi
- Analizzare i processi produttivi, le attrezzature di lavoro e le sostanze pericolose impiegate sul posto di lavoro e effettuare controlli adeguati
- Elaborare e attuare i programmi interni aziendali per tutela della salute
- Verificare gli adempimenti legali attraverso la gestione e l'aggiornamento del registro di conformità legislativa dell’azienda
- Coordination, execution, and control of tasks assigned to external service providers in the service area on an international level
- Monitoring compliance with KPIs and SLAs at service providers to ensure service delivery
- Process controlling, analysis, and adaptation of processes to optimize supplier management
- Regular review of service quality standards, invoice verification, and reporting
- Operational support for service providers in their daily business execution
- Onboarding of service partners and ensuring the availability of relevant skills and qualifications within the partner network
- Lead the development and digitalisation of the remote services strategy
- Lead, motivate, and develop a team of remote services personnel, including the development, implementation and management of the operations, using the latest technologies and industry best practices
- Analyse customer feedback and other data sources to develop customer-centric solutions
- Develop and implement service improvement plans for identified shortfalls
- Monitor remote services performance, system performance. Identify service improvement goals
- Design and develop solutions to optimize performance and scalability
- Oversee the deployment maintaining security, reliability, and cost-efficiency
- Monitor team performance and establish corrective action plan where needed, regarding performance, trends and capacity issues
- Ensure the team is keeping and exceeding the commitments on the service level agreements and uptime
- Overall responsibility for construction and conversion projects
- Development and oversight of project plans
- Coordination with architects, engineers, and contractors
- Budget planning and control
- Compliance with legal regulations and safety standards
- Quality assurance throughout the project lifecycle
- Communication with stakeholders and the management
- Collaborate with hiring managers to assess training needs and develop targeted learning solutions
- Design and develop engaging and effective learning programs using a variety of modalities and approaches.
- Deliver engaging and effective learning programs
- Create and update training systems and all supporting materials
- Evaluate the effectiveness of training programs through assessments, surveys, and feedback to ensure continuous improvement
- Partner with external vendors and experts to enhance the breadth and depth of our training offering
- Provide coaching and support to managers and employees to foster a culture of continuous learning
- Manage reimbursement processes and funding applications (Fondimpresa, etc)
Wir bieten:
- Eine 4,5 Tage-Woche bei 37,5 Wochenstunden;
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit von Telearbeit;
- Ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld in einem jungen dynamischen Team;
- Eine sinnstiftende Tätigkeit in einem wertebewussten Umfeld;
- Sehr gute Anbindung an öffentliche Verkehrsmittel;
- Wir fördern Menschen und bieten Raum für fachliche und berufliche Entwicklung;
- Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz bei einem soliden Arbeitgeber;
- Eine leistungsgerechte Entlohnung und interessante Sozialleistungen.
- Overall coordination and control of company projects
- Monitor timesheet filling up for each project
- Reporting hours needed for founded project
- Follow up with Program Management Team for missing insertions and interface between project stakeholders
- Provide technical leadership for Alpitronic's power electronics development
- Develop new generation power electronics, such as new switching topologies, introduction of new power semiconductors and new gate driver circuits
- Develop innovative and cost-optimised power electronics, maximising power density (power semiconductors, magnetics and capacitors)
- Lead the debugging of newly developed power electronic boards and assemblies
- Lead field return analyses for power electronics
Deine Aufgaben:
- Projektmanagement von Bau- und Haustechnik-, Energieversorgungs- sowie Industrialisierungsprojekten für unsere internationalen Produktionswerke
- Mitarbeit an der Jahresplanung von Investitionen (im Speziellen Bauprojekte und Versorgungstechnik)
- Lieferantensuche, Einholung von Angeboten, Ausarbeitung von Lastenheften, Werkslieferverträge und Genehmigungsverfahren mit externen Ingenieurbüros
- Erstellung von werksübergreifenden Richtlinien im Bereich Bauwesen und Gebäudetechnik (z.B. Standards für Energie- und Gebäudeleittechnik)
- Mitwirkung bei der standortübergreifenden Standardisierung und Weiterentwicklung von Versorgungstechnologien und -prozessen sowie der Planung von entsprechenden Neuanlagen
Le tue principali responsabilità
- Implementare il piano di Trade Marketing in collaborazione con il team di vendita e il marketing locale
- Organizzare, implementare e monitorare: attività di seconda esposizione, attività di lancio di nuovi prodotti, realizzazione dei materiali di supporto, presentazioni per i clienti
- Pianificare e monitorare i risultati delle attività promozionali, inclusi tagli prezzo e coupon
- Identificare nuove opportunità di marketing con i principali clienti e implementarle assieme al team di vendita
- Realizzare progetti di category management, dall’analisi all’implementazione del planogramma
- Gestire e monitorare il budget assegnato
- Unterstützung des Projektteams bei der Einplanung von qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen
- Methodische Unterstützung des Entwicklungsteams bei der Umsetzung von qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen (z.B. Moderation von FMEAs)
- Unterstützung der Prozessentwicklung bei der Erstellung/Pflege des Produktionslenkungsplans sowie der Anforderungen an das Prüfequipment
- Sicherstellung der Berücksichtigung von Qualitätsanforderungen in der Entwicklung
- Durchführung von Projektaudits und Unterstützung bei der Abarbeitung von Auditabweichungen
- Schulung von Entwicklungsmitarbeitenden zu qualitätssichernden Methoden
- Supporto al project team nella pianificazione delle misure da adottare per il controllo qualità
- Supporto metodico al team di sviluppo nell’implementazione delle misure di controllo qualità (per esempio attraverso metodologia FMEA)
- Collaborazione nella definizione e nello sviluppo del piano di gestione della produzione
- Collaborazione nella definizione di parametri specifici per le apparecchiature di prova
- Verifica dell’effettiva implementazione dei parametri qualitativi nella fase di sviluppo prodotto
- Pianificazione di audit e supporto nella gestione degli scostamenti rilevati
- Formazione al team R&D sulle metodologie di controllo qualità
- Ausfallursachenanalyse von defekten Elektronikkomponenten aus der Produktion und aus dem Feld
- Erarbeitung von Produktverbesserungsmaßnahmen
- Erstellen von Berichten zu durchgeführten Analysen
- Austausch mit anderen Abteilungen (Entwicklung, Produktion, Qualität etc.) zu den Analyseerkenntnissen
- Analisi delle cause di guasto dei componenti elettronici difettosi provenienti dalla produzione e dal campo
- Sviluppo di misure di miglioramento del prodotto
- Redazione di report sulle analisi effettuate
- Continuo scambio con altri reparti (ricerca e sviluppo, produzione, qualità, ecc.) sui risultati delle analisi svolte
Your responsibilities:
- Development and maintenance of the Global Brand Book
- Development of new design concepts
- Continuous development and improvement of key visuals to provide guidance to design and communication agencies and ensure consistency
- Point of contact and consultant for all local marketing teams regarding graphics, imagery, packaging, promotions, and merchandising at the Visual Identity level
- Point of contact for external design agencies
Du suchst:
- … einen innovativen, zukunftsorientierten Arbeitsplatz im Bereich Markt- und Vertriebssteuerung?
- … einen Beruf mit vielfältigen Entwicklungs- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten?
- … ein anspruchsvolles Tätigkeitsfeld?
- Analyse the current security posture of the organization and monitor network traffic
- Defend the digital assets of the company against cyber-attacks and other potential internal and/or external threats
- Detect anomalous threats and respond to security incidents
- Perform risk assessment analysis, by identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious attackers, to proactively anticipate and prevent cyber-attacks
- Investigate and resolve security incidents, by taking measures to address deficiencies and vulnerabilities along with recommendations for improvement to mitigate and eliminate risk
- Develop security protocols, standards and policies, as well as disaster recovery plans and conducting security audits
- Monitoring security breaches and conduct Digital footprint analysis
- Running network tests and testing firewalls, creating patches or implementing new protocols as required to ensure that all defences are effective
- Ensure that all security software is configured, monitored and audited and that security tools are running properly
- Evaluate, analyze and communicate systems requirements on a continuing basis and maintain systems processes, including the delivery of monthly status reports to all appropriate parties
- Conduct daily systems analytics to maximize effectiveness and troubleshoot problems
- Develop meaningful and lasting relationships with partners for optimized systems integration and respond to questions from managers and executives with supporting research and recommendations
- Determine and develop user requirements for systems in production, to ensure maximum usability
- Author and update internal and external documentation, and formally initiate and deliver requirements and documentation
- Identify substandard systems processes through evaluation of real-time data
- Lead the technical business processes, by developing systems prototypes that promote increased efficiency and productivity on multiple levels
- Create and implement precise management plans for every project, with attention to transparent communication at all levels
- Perform, evaluate and communicate thorough quality assurance at every stage of systems development
- Design and develop embedded software for Linux in different languages (C/C++, Python, shell scripts)
- Configure the Linux kernel and the libraries required by the applicative level
- Debug code on various systems using suitable debugging tools
- Test of the developed software on the emulation environment and on the target system
- Write documentation on the software developed in accordance with the process
Ihr Profil:
- Bachelor-Student/in (ab dem 3. Semester), Master-Student/in oder Absolvent/in in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Management, BWL oder ähnlichen Studiengängen
- Sie interessieren sich für soziale Themen, insbesondere für Menschen und Zivilinvalidität
- Sie können sich mit unserer Mission identifizieren
- Sie verfügen über sehr gute Computerkenntnisse, insbesondere in Microsoft Office
- Sie sind internetaffin, navigieren im WWW zielgerichtet und wissen, wie Sie es am besten für Ihre Zwecke nutzen können
- Sehr gute Deutsch- oder Italienischkenntnisse
- Design, development and maintenance of embedded firmware for microcontroller and PLA applications
- Development and enhancement of embedded Linux applications (e.g. device tree adoptions, peripheral integrations and performance optimizations)
- Development and integration of system and application software
- Testing and debug of software on target and test environments
- Maintaining close communication with developers, project heads and other internal stakeholders
- Design, develop and implement large-scale projects for cloud-based systems
- Planning, definition of requirements, development, testing, and quality assurance of the software development lifecycle for AWS solutions
- Identify, analyse and resolve infrastructure troubleshoot incidents and application deployment issues and implement preventative measures
- Provide guidance on the implementation of new cloud-based initiatives, through appropriate training
- Modernise and consolidate IT infrastructure and implement the best cloud-based solutions for the company, to ensure continued impact on growth
- Customise AWS applications to make the business more secure and efficient
- Monitoring the migration process of the new applications to the cloud so that it is seamless and in line with the organisation's operations
- Definition and documentation of the best practices and strategies for application deployment and infrastructure maintenance
- Ensure application and cloud environment performance, maintaining high standards and complying with company security policies
- Durchführung von EMV-Maßnahmen in internen/externen Labors, inkl. Debugging
- Vorbereitung des Prüfaufbaus gemäß Prüfplan
- Durchführung der internen Geräteüberprüfung und -kalibrierung entsprechend dem Prüfplan
- Vorbereitung von EMV-Debugging-Gegenmaßnahmen gemäß den Anweisungen des EMV-Projektleiters
- Esecuzione di misure EMC in laboratori inerni/esterni, inclusi i test di debug
- Preparazione dei setup di prova in conformità con il piano di prova
- Esecuzione della verifica e calibrazione degli strumenti interni, secondo il piano di verifica
- Preparazione delle contromisure di debug EMC secondo le istruzioni del responsabile del progetto EMC
- Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme von Prototypen und neu entwickelten Produkten
- Aufbau von Testsetups und Durchführen von Messungen
- Testen von Leiterplatten und elektronischen Systemen
- Produktionsunterstützende Tätigkeiten z.B. Fehlersuche bei Ausfällen
- Costruzione e messa in esercizio di prototipi e nuovi prodotti
- Creazione di test setup ed effettuazione di rilievi
- Testing di schede a circuito stampato e sistemi elettronici
- Attività a supporto della produzione, come la ricerca guasti
- Specificazione, progettazione, sviluppo e messa in funzione dei sistemi di test
- Integrazione dei relativi componenti hardware e software per un funzionamento ottimale
- Manutenzione e aggiornamento dei sistemi di test, analisi dei dati di test e convalida delle strategie di test
- Supervisione dei fornitori esterni di supporto
- Be the system architect of DC chargers’ diagnostic functions and utilities, both embedded and remote
- Define and validate the safe operation modes correspondent to possible diagnosed faults and issues
- Provide relevant requirements to SW department for the diagnostic functions & utilities implementation
- Monitor and improve the performance of the developed diagnostic tools on the chargers in the field
- Provide training and guidance on how to use the diagnostic tools in cross-functional teams
- Provide support and guidelines for diagnosing and resolving functional issues in a timely manner
Deine Aufgaben:
- Organisation und Planung der Vergabe von Serviceleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Immobilienverwaltung
- Technisch-administrative Verwaltung der Immobilien
- Lokalaugenscheine der Immobilien, in der ganzen Provinz Bozen
- Überwachung der ordentlichen und außerordentlichen Wartungsarbeiten
- Verwaltung der Facility-Management-Software
- Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern, Lieferanten und Unternehmen
- Ausführung technisch-administrativer Aufgaben nach Bedarf des Arbeitgebers
I tuoi compiti:
- Organizzazione e pianificazione degli affidamenti per servizi in ambito gestione immobili
- Gestione tecnica ed amministrativa degli immobili
- Sopraluoghi in tutta la Provincia di Bolzano
- Supervisione dei lavori di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria
- Gestione del software di Facility Management
- Collaborazione con partner, fornitori e imprese
- Altri compiti di carattere tecnico-amministrativo secondo necessità del datore di lavoro