- Analisi delle cause di guasto dei componenti elettronici difettosi provenienti dalla produzione e dal campo
- Sviluppo di misure di miglioramento del prodotto
- Redazione di report sulle analisi effettuate
- Continuo scambio con altri reparti (ricerca e sviluppo, produzione, qualità, ecc.) sui risultati delle analisi svolte
- Handles Payment Terminal Support cases
- Remotely troubleshoots and fixes issues related to Payment Terminals
- Creates documentation for remote support colleagues for effective configuration and troubleshooting of payment systems
- Identifies bugs and reports them to SW development and suppliers
- Summarizes requirements to application development
- Supervisione della registrazione delle fatture in entrata nazionali e internazionali e supporto nella registrazione in caso di necessità e monitoraggio delle scadenze dei pagamenti
- Gestione delle anagrafiche fornitori e della corrispondenza
- Coordinamento e gestione della contabilizzazione dei pagamenti in uscita e del corretto funzionamento del processo di ricezione delle fatture elettroniche
- Riconciliazione delle partite aperte e collaborazione nel processo di chiusura contabile mensile e annuale
- Realizzazione di statistiche e reports
- Responsabilità funzionale e disciplinare dei membri del team contabilità fornitori
Deine Aufgaben:
- Du verantwortest die Montage, Inbetriebnahme, Überwachung und Instandhaltung der Maschinen und Anlagen in unserer Produktion
- Du übernimmst die Buchung und Verwaltung von internen Arbeitsberichten in Navision
- Du bist für die Prüfung und Behebung der Ursachen von Störungen unter Beachtung der Sicherheitsvorgaben verantwortlich
- Du führst Einstellanweisungen und deren Aktualisierung durch
- Du weist Mitarbeiter an der Linie bezüglich Maschinenbedienung und Umrüstvorgängen ein
- Du verantwortest die Durchführung von Umrüstungen bei Produktwechseln und deren Überprüfung bei Ausführung durch die Linienmitarbeiter
Deine Aufgaben:
- Du führst Fahrschein- und Qualitätskontrollen im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr durch
- Du stehst den Fahrgästen für Informationen zur Verfügung
- Du erledigst Verwaltungstätigkeiten nach Bedarf des Arbeitgebers
I tuoi compiti:
- Eseguirai i controlli sui titoli di viaggio e sulla qualità del trasporto pubblico locale
- Sarai a disposizione dei passeggeri per informazioni
- Eseguirai altri compiti di carattere tecnico-amministrativo secondo le necessità del datore di lavoro
- Proactively explore and develop new business relationships, customers and concrete opportunities in the market segment Commercial Vehicle Charging
- Create specific sales strategies and supporting a business plan creation within the commercial vehicle charging segment, to drive revenue growth and margins
- Negotiate and close contracts and frame agreements with strategic customers
- Generate forecasts and reports based on sales activities
- Ensure market share and successful introduction of existing and specific new products
- Conduct customer visits, by providing commercial and technical consulting for suitable charging solutions
- Manage customers’ commercial and technical inquiries
- Provide market information and support the elaboration of blueprints for our specific solution offering in the Commercial Vehicle Charging market, in close alignment with the Segment Marketing department
Ihre Talente
- Leidenschaft für die Gastfreundschaft und der Wunsch, den Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten
- Erfahrungen im gehobenen Gastgewerbe, insbesondere im Zimmerservice, sind von Vorteil
- Ausgeprägte Kunden- und Serviceorientierung
- Selbstständige Arbeitsweise
- Saubere und organisierte Arbeitsweise und freundliches Auftreten
- Gute Kenntnisse der italienischen und englischen Sprache (weitere Sprachkenntnisse von Vorteil, Deutsch bevorzugt)
- Ausgezeichnete kommunikative und zwischenmenschliche Fähigkeiten
- Fähigkeit, selbstständig und im Team zu arbeiten
- Fähigkeit zu Multitasking und Zeitmanagement
- Liebe zum Detail und Fähigkeit zu präzisem Arbeiten
I vostri talenti
- Passione per l'ospitalità e desiderio di offrire agli ospiti un'esperienza indimenticabile
- L'esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità di alto livello, in particolare nel servizio in camera, costituisce un vantaggio
- Forte orientamento al cliente e al servizio
- Capacità di lavorare in modo indipendente
- Modo di lavorare pulito e organizzato e modi cordiali
- Buona conoscenza dell'italiano e dell'inglese (altre lingue sono un vantaggio, il tedesco è preferibile)
- Ottime capacità comunicative e interpersonali
- Capacità di lavorare in modo indipendente e in team
- Capacità di lavorare in multitasking e di gestire il tempo
- Attenzione ai dettagli e capacità di lavorare con precisione
Your talents
- Passion for hospitality and the desire to offer guests an unforgettable experience
- Experience in the upscale hospitality industry, especially in room service, is an advantage
- Strong customer and service orientation
- Ability to work independently
- Clean and organized way of working and friendly appearance
- Good knowledge of Italian and English (other language skills an advantage, German preferred)
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Ability to multitask and manage time
- Attention to detail and ability to work with precision
- Analyse the current security posture of the organization and monitor network traffic
- Defend the digital assets of the company against cyber-attacks and other potential internal and/or external threats
- Detect anomalous threats and respond to security incidents
- Perform risk assessment analysis, by identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious attackers, to proactively anticipate and prevent cyber-attacks
- Investigate and resolve security incidents, by taking measures to address deficiencies and vulnerabilities along with recommendations for improvement to mitigate and eliminate risk
- Develop security protocols, standards and policies, as well as disaster recovery plans and conducting security audits
- Monitoring security breaches and conduct Digital footprint analysis
- Running network tests and testing firewalls, creating patches or implementing new protocols as required to ensure that all defences are effective
- Ensure that all security software is configured, monitored and audited and that security tools are running properly
Ihr Profil:
- Trockenbauarbeiten Gips-Malerarbeiten
- Bodenleger Fliesen Holzboden
- Montagetischler
Wir bieten:
- Eine abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit
- Ein motiviertes und dynamisches Team
- Einen modernen Arbeitsplatz mit aktuellen Technologien
- Eine leistungsgerechte Vergütung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
Deine Mission…
- Sicherstellung einer effizienten und termingerechten Angebots- und Auftragsbearbeitung
- Aktive Mitarbeit im operativen Tagesgeschäft (Kundenbetreuung und -beratung)
- Erweiterung der Kooperation mit aktuellen und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern,
- inklusive Neukundenakquise
- Kommunikation mit unseren externen Handelspartnern, Kunden und Dienstleistern
- Optimierung bestehender Prozesse und Abläufe
- Evaluate, analyze and communicate systems requirements on a continuing basis and maintain systems processes, including the delivery of monthly status reports to all appropriate parties
- Conduct daily systems analytics to maximize effectiveness and troubleshoot problems
- Develop meaningful and lasting relationships with partners for optimized systems integration and respond to questions from managers and executives with supporting research and recommendations
- Determine and develop user requirements for systems in production, to ensure maximum usability
- Author and update internal and external documentation, and formally initiate and deliver requirements and documentation
- Identify substandard systems processes through evaluation of real-time data
- Lead the technical business processes, by developing systems prototypes that promote increased efficiency and productivity on multiple levels
- Create and implement precise management plans for every project, with attention to transparent communication at all levels
- Perform, evaluate and communicate thorough quality assurance at every stage of systems development
- Design and develop embedded software for Linux in different languages (C/C++, Python, shell scripts)
- Configure the Linux kernel and the libraries required by the applicative level
- Debug code on various systems using suitable debugging tools
- Test of the developed software on the emulation environment and on the target system
- Write documentation on the software developed in accordance with the process
Ihr Profil:
- Bachelor-Student/in (ab dem 3. Semester), Master-Student/in oder Absolvent/in in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Management, BWL oder ähnlichen Studiengängen
- Sie interessieren sich für soziale Themen, insbesondere für Menschen und Zivilinvalidität
- Sie können sich mit unserer Mission identifizieren
- Sie verfügen über sehr gute Computerkenntnisse, insbesondere in Microsoft Office
- Sie sind internetaffin, navigieren im WWW zielgerichtet und wissen, wie Sie es am besten für Ihre Zwecke nutzen können
- Sehr gute Deutsch- oder Italienischkenntnisse
- Design, development and maintenance of embedded firmware for microcontroller and PLA applications
- Development and enhancement of embedded Linux applications (e.g. device tree adoptions, peripheral integrations and performance optimizations)
- Development and integration of system and application software
- Testing and debug of software on target and test environments
- Maintaining close communication with developers, project heads and other internal stakeholders
- Design, develop and implement large-scale projects for cloud-based systems
- Planning, definition of requirements, development, testing, and quality assurance of the software development lifecycle for AWS solutions
- Identify, analyse and resolve infrastructure troubleshoot incidents and application deployment issues and implement preventative measures
- Provide guidance on the implementation of new cloud-based initiatives, through appropriate training
- Modernise and consolidate IT infrastructure and implement the best cloud-based solutions for the company, to ensure continued impact on growth
- Customise AWS applications to make the business more secure and efficient
- Monitoring the migration process of the new applications to the cloud so that it is seamless and in line with the organisation's operations
- Definition and documentation of the best practices and strategies for application deployment and infrastructure maintenance
- Ensure application and cloud environment performance, maintaining high standards and complying with company security policies
Ihre Talente
- Berufserfahrung in der gehobenen Hotellerie
- Idealerweise ASA-J Kenntnisse und ReGuest Kenntnisse
- Sonstige EDV-Kenntnisse (Microsoft Office Paket)
- Freude am Beruf
- Unternehmerisches Denken
- Kommunikative Fähigkeiten
- Organisationstalent
- Kundenorientierung und Kontaktpflege zu unseren Gästen auf stilvolle und diskrete Art
- Verkaufsfähigkeiten
- Gute Deutsch-, Italienisch- und Englischkenntnisse
I vostri talenti
- Esperienza professionale nel settore alberghiero di alto livello
- Preferibile la conoscenza di ASA-J
- Altre competenze informatiche (pacchetto Microsoft Office)
- Piacere di lavorare
- Pensiero imprenditoriale
- Forte capacità di comunicazione
- Talento organizzativo
- Orientamento al cliente e mantenere il contatto con i nostri ospiti in modo elegante e discreto
- Competenze di vendita
- Buone competenze linguistiche in tedesco, italiano e inglese
Your talents
- Professional experience in the upscale hotel industry
- Preferred with ASA-J knowledge
- Other computer skills
- Pleasure at work
- Entrepreneurial thinking
- Strong communication skills
- Organisational talent
- Customer-oriented and maintain contact with our guests in a stylish and discreet manner.
- Good German, Italian and English language skills