As a employee for Business Applications at MiCROTEC you will be working within our BPM team to promote strategic change initiatives with wide process, organizational and technological resonance throughout the company. You will love this role if you’re someone who enjoys making apps work better and collaborating to solve practical problems.
Your tasks
Support and maintain applications, from a technical point of view, including the preparation of the documentation
Handle access rights, licensing, and user profiles
Prioritize and document software changes’ requests and solve bugs
Resolve internal user issues and coordinate release cycles
Train key users and lead meetings to contribute to the application roadmap
Shape the future of our applications by evaluating new functionalities and retiring outdated ones
Your profile
Experience in developing ERP applications is preferred
Experience as key user of one or more applications is preferred
Knowledge of one or more programming languages
Fluency in english
Excellent listenting skills
Teamplayer, analythical thinking and evidence-based driving attitude
Ability to organize and prioritize work
MiCROTEC is the global technology and market leader in intelligent wood property recognition for optimizing the use in the wood processing industry and has been setting the standards in this market since 1980. There is no process that is not streamlined, optimized, and accelerated by MiCROTEC technologies and systems. Always committed to providing the customer with the most economically & ecologically sustainable wood utilization.
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