Lead and strengthen the HW Engineering organisation while enhancing innovation attitude and total quality approach
Implement the company strategy/culture into HW Engineering, set targets and actively support basic and advanced research initiatives
Define relevant human and technical resources requirements, manage hirings, training, coaching and mentoring activities
Implement HW engineering budget & forecast process, strengthen HW development processes and tools
Oversee the requirements analysis of HW subsystems and lead the definition of HW specifications accordingly
Promote standardization, modularity, power density in HW development
Technically manage and supervise critical characteristics of HW components
Perform HW components unit testing, integration, verification
Review and supervise HW related design for manufacturing, assembling, servicing
Check the coverage of approved HW requirements into released specifications
Structure review and release workflows for parts and BOMs
Sponsor design2cost projects and VA/VE initiatives
Monitor applicable standards & norms and relevant trends and evolutions
Participate in technical roundtables & committees
Masters Degree in electric/electronic engineering, PhD or experience in static conversion devices is a plus
Strong background in power electronics design
Deep knowledge of PCBAs state of the art standards
Significant experience in R&D processes and methodologies, as well working in complex and large organisations
Proven management track record of structured technical teams
Deep competence in engineering material and standards
Strong skills in 2D/3D mechanical drawing practices and standards, as well as in multiphysics FEM simulations/calculations
Assertiveness, effective communication skills
Leadership and coaching abilities, empathy, problem-solving and self-motivating attitude
Fluency in English, knowledge of German and/or Italian an advantage
Innovative work environment in a young, dynamic team
High-tech projects in the future-proof sector of e-mobility
Opportunities for advancement in a growing company
A wide range of further training opportunities
Attractive bonus system and performance-related pay
Additional company benefits
WARUM alpitronic
Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden führen wir die Welt in die nachhaltige Mobilität – technologisch auf höchstem Niveau begeistern wir mit den innovativsten und zuverlässigsten Lösungen. Verwurzelt in Südtirol, sind wir Markt- und Innovationsführer und setzen die zukünftigen Standards der Ladeinfrastruktur an unseren Standorten in Bozen, Bergamo, Bologna, München und Charlotte (USA).
Wenn es Dich motiviert, Dinge mit großer Eigenverantwortung zu bewegen und Du Freude daran hast, das Ergebnis Deiner Arbeit ganz unmittelbar am Endprodukt zu erleben, freuen wir uns auf Dich. Wir sind ein stark wachsendes Unternehmen und bieten unseren Spitzenteams ein abwechslungsreiches und anspruchsvolles Aufgabengebiet in einer wertschätzenden Unternehmenskultur. Dein Beitrag zählt, wird gesehen und ist in hohem Maße wirksam! Wir freuen uns, wenn Du Teil unseres Teams wirst!
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